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PSD / Sketch To WordPress Theme Development Guide

In this article we will be taking a look at modern web development, more specifically how to take a PSD or Sketch design and develop it into a fully-functioning WordPress theme. We will be using modern techniques and tools such as HTML5, Sass, Gulp and Webpack. If you’re not familiar with these tools, don’t worry – we will be explaining everything in detail.

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    PSD File

    What is PSD

    PSD is an acronym for Photoshop Document and is a file extension that typically contains images, layers, and effects that have been designed using Adobe Photoshop software. PSD files can be opened in older versions of Photoshop as well as newer Creative Cloud versions. They allow for greater flexibility when editing and provide more accurate results when exporting to other formats. Additionally, they store image data in a way that makes it easy to compress without sacrificing quality.

    Sketch File

    What is Sketch

    Sketch is a vector drawing and animation software application first developed by the Dutch company Bohemian Coding. It is one of the most popular applications in its category and has been compared to Adobe Photoshop, which is also a popular image editor. As of September 2017, it had been downloaded over 5 million times from the Mac App Store alone.


    What is WordPress Theme

    A WordPress theme is a collection of files that determine the look and feel of a WordPress site. Themes include code and files that control the overall design of the site, header image, background, fonts, colors, and more. WordPress themes are created by developers and designers to make it easy for users to change how their site looks without knowing any code.

    Converting PSD to WordPress Theme

    PSD or Photoshop Document is one of the most popular formats for web designing. It consists of all design elements of a website which a web designer can use for developing a website. A huge number of layouts, color combinations, fonts and other design elements are used in PSDs. However, static websites have lost their appeal and demand nowadays. So, the best way to make use of all those design resources available in PSDs is to convert them into dynamic WordPress themes. In this blog post, we will tell you how

    Developing the Theme




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